新增 我的虚拟形象 2024年9月20日 09:00-14:00限时开放!
修复 有史以来最强大的流畅度优化
1.2.0Beta 维护已完成,新增的功能有:
新增 录制上传语音
新增 记住密码
新增 非二元性别(实验性功能)
新增 在发现新鲜事处可以听语音
修复 降低日记本内部卡顿现象
修复 发送评论后文字不消失的问题
修复 新鲜事不显示的问题
维护 修复服务器错误
Dear Sir/Madam,
Version 1.1.4 is no longer available! Logging in with version 1.1.4 may cause file damage!
Sucrose 1.1.5 has been released! We have upgraded the server configuration and password protection measures, so version 1.1.4 is no longer usable. Please update to the new version immediately and claim the upgrade compensation. Thank you!
Sucrose will become much faster this time!!! (except for the first startup and loading of a certain diary)
Notes for this version:
Sucrose GPT is still in testing, and if you encounter any errors, please contact me for a refund.
The speed of fixing bugs cannot catch up with the speed of writing bugs, and I apologize for that.
Version 1.1.5 Update Log:
- Added a prompt box when loading time is long.
- Added Sucrose tokens.
- Added diary comment function.
- Added diary details page.
- Added the ability to use GPT to convert diaries into texts with the format: {"School of Journalism":["Xinhua Style","Wall Street Journal Style","Inverted Pyramid Style"],"School of Foreign Languages":["Classical English","Classical Chinese","Japanese"],"School of Software Engineering":["Development Documentation","Development Log","Pseudocode"]}.
- Added image cropping and compression when creating an account.
- Added Sucrose security authentication mechanism to prevent unauthorized client access.
- Improved local image loading speed significantly.
- Fixed the occasional crash issue during registration in some network environments.
- Fixed the issue of inconvenient time display on the diary interface.
- Fixed the reuse of input fields for publishing and commenting in the diary interface.
- Fixed the issue of Sucrose software responding with timeouts in some time periods.
- Fixed the use of Sucrose Development Group APK signature.
Maintenance compensation: 10g of Sucrose (applicable to users registered before August 3, 2023, 02:00 AM).
Thank you for your support to our work.
To ensure compatibility with Sucrose version 1.1.5 on the server-side, we hereby announce the scheduling of maintenance on the eve of July 31st, 2023, from 00:00 to 04:00 (GMT+8).
During this period, you shall be unable to access Sucrose, and for this inconvenience, we do express our deepest apology.
As recompense for the inconvenience, we shall bestow upon you 5g of 'Sugar'.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Version 1.1.3 is no longer available! Logging in with version 1.1.3 may result in data corruption. Good evening! We have completed the repair and update work for Sucrose after the attack, starting from 8 a.m. today.
If you filled out the data recovery questionnaire, we have restored your profile and basic account data. You don't need to register again; simply log in. If you encounter any issues during login, please contact me.
To continue to use Sucrose, you must update to version 1.1.4. Thank you for your understanding.
Version 1.1.4 Update Log:
Disaster Recovery from Network Attack
Fix: Corrected occasional crash issue when searching for friends and clearing friend ID.
Fix: Limited the maximum length of a single message to ten thousand characters.
Fix: Corrected avatar flickering issue while typing in the New Post interface.
Fix: Corrected error in displaying secondary title avatars while browsing New Posts.
New: Ability to delete diary entries in the notebook.
New: Additional images can now be displayed in the diary book interface.
New: Click on images to view them in full size.
New: Red dot indicator for new messages in the diary book.
New: Option to set a specific avatar for the diary book (default avatar if not specified).
New: Usernames are now saved after login.
User experience optimization.
Once again, we sincerely apologize and thank you for your support.
Sucrose Development Team
Tang Jiewei
July 16, 2023
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